Modes all live within the major scale, but each one has a distinct character. In this article, we’ll talk about Dorian, also known as the cheerful minor mode.
You’ll walk away with the scale pattern, knowledge of what chords go well with Dorian, and a couple of backing tracks so you put it all into practice.
Why it’s worth learning Dorian
Dorian is a fun and jazzy minor-sounding mode. It follows the same whole-step/half-step pattern as the major scale, but we start on the second scale degree.
- It can capture many different musical moods.
- The inclusion of the major 6th is uplifting and jazzy.
- The natural 9th is a valuable asset.
- Minor chords with a major 6th are hip in funk music and perfect for Dorian.
The theory behind Dorian
Here’s the genetic makeup of Dorian:

- It’s one of the more popular minor modes due to its near-dominant sound, penchant for twanging tonalities, and cool jazz sensibilities.
- Its construction is similar to Mixolydian – a major mode that also sports a b7, but Dorian is a minor mode because it includes a b3.
- Fun fact: The minor pentatonic scale is included in this mode, free of charge 😉
This chord outlines the scale beautifully:

Learn the Dorian scale pattern
There are four steps to learning a scale pattern.
- Memorize one octave by playing it a few times.
- Play one octave while saying each scale degree out loud (1, 2, b3, etc.).
- Sing each note before playing it.
- Learn the full pattern spanning all six strings.
Here’s one octave for steps 1-3:

Here’s the full scale pattern for step 4 – it looks dangerously close to the minor pentatonic shape🧐

Apply the Dorian mode in a musical context
The first thing to do when you learn a mode is
- Internalize what it sounds like
- Figure out which notes are the money notes
The backing track below is a perfect backdrop to try out the C Dorian scale.
Start off by simply playing the scale pattern you just learned over the track. Pay attention to how each interval sounds over the tonic.
Solo using Dorian over this backing track
Now it’s time to make some music. Use the backing track below to take D Dorian for a spin.
- Try incorporating some slides, hammer ons/pull offs, or vibrato.
- Play some three or four-note sequences.
- Sing a line first, then play it.
If you need help developing your soloing chops, check out this article – 5 levels of guitar soloing: From beginner to advanced.
Two chord progressions for your Dorian exploration
If you have a looper pedal or a way to record yourself, make a quick backing track using the following progressions.
Chord progression #1
These are the chords:

The 6th/13th present in the A minor chord makes for a great opportunity to explore A Dorian on this static vamp.
Chord progression #2
Here’s a more complex example:

Now, let’s analyze the progression to see how Dorian might come into play.
- By finding the I chord, we know where home is, in this case – C major.
- The Dm9 (ii chord) is functioning as the subdominant – you can think of this as a “pre” dominant chord, approaching the V7.
- It has less of a gravitational pull to the I chord but is still important for tension and release in the progression.
- You don’t always have to play Dorian over a ii chord – the minor pentatonic will suffice, especially with an added 9th.
Key parting advice
We’ll leave you with some nuggets of modal wisdom:
- Sometimes the minor pentatonic with a color note is all you need to achieve a Dorian flavor!
- You can always start a solo using a minor pentatonic scale and then expand slowly into Dorian by sprinkling in the 9th and 13th.
- Dorian is a great choice for the ii chord of a jazzy ii-V-I progression in any key.
- Try using three or four-note patterns instead of simply climbing scales & arpeggios.
Author: Julia Mahncke
Julia Mahncke is a journalist and musician based in Pittsburgh, PA. Holding a degree in musicology from the University of Bonn and a guitar performance degree from the University of Oregon, Julia is a skilled guitarist with a knack for communicating musical concepts in a straightfoward manner.
She has written, recorded, and performed music as a solo artist, as part of a duo, and as the lead guitarist for the band Meeping. With hundreds of shows under her belt, Julia plays bass in various projects, enjoys participating in jam sessions in Pittsburgh, and remains active as a singer-songwriter.

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