I want to help you go from confused to confident with fretboard notes on guitar.

Mastering the notes on the guitar neck is the perfect foundation for playing better and boosting your playing confidence.

I went for so long avoiding this relatively simple task… and I really wish I hadn’t.

We tend to get familiar with the fret numbers but not the note names. 

This is okay when you’re first starting out, but as you progress it’s important to start knowing what notes you’re playing.

It initially seems like a huge task, but with a few simple tricks, I’ll show you how to learn all the notes on the guitar pretty quickly.

What are the benefits of learning the fretboard notes?

This is one of those skills that will benefit any guitarist, regardless of skill level, style, or goals.

Here are some of the best reasons to develop your fretboard knowledge.

  • A deeper understanding of chords and scales.
  • More intentional improvisation.
  • Better communication with other musicians – If a keyboard player asks what note you’re playing, you can’t say “6th fret on the A string”.
  • Confidence boost – not needing to rely on fixed scale shapes to know what notes will work.

The fastest way to learn notes on the guitar fretboard

If you want to speed things up, here are a few of my favorite hacks you can follow. 

Do these in order and you’ll be amazed how easy memorizing the fretboard is.

The trick is to begin with the big picture and then narrow in on details later on.

Start by learning the note names for the following:

  1. Open strings – most of you should already know these, E A D G B e
  2. Learn 5th frets – they’re the same as our next open string!* A D G C E a. Easy right?
  3. 7th frets – are the same note as our previous open string (an octave higher)*  B E A D F# b 🤯
  4. You can think of the D string as the same as E just two frets higher

*Keep in mind that the B string breaks the system slightly – so you need to make a one-fret adjustment when applying these ideas around that string. 

You’ve probably already noticed this when using the 5th frets to tune your guitar (you have to drop down a fret on the G string to get a B note).

Do I need to learn all the notes on the guitar neck eventually?

Yes and no.

The aim is to learn all the notes on the guitar fretboard, but you don’t necessarily need to learn each one individually.

  • As I’ve just shown, once you understand some patterns and lock in a few reference points on the neck, you can quickly figure out what note you’re playing, anywhere on the neck.
  • Over time you’ll come to know the note names instinctively and won’t need to think about it as much.

5 tips for learning the fretboard

If you dedicate a few minutes per day to learning the notes on your guitar, it’ll only take a couple of weeks to master it.

Here are my top practice tips to help you get there.

#1 – Forget about sharps and flats (for now)

Knowing a couple of simple rules for memorizing the guitar fretboard, you can cut down the amount of notes you need to learn by almost half!

  • If you know your natural notes (C D E F G A B) then you can easily identify the sharps(#) and flats(b).
  • For example, one fret below an A will be Ab and one fret above the A is A#.
  • The only exceptions to this rule are B – C, and E – F, there is no sharp/flat between those notes.

This method just speeds up the learning process, over time you’ll recognize all the notes independently.

#2 – Learn up to the 12 fret

The 12th fret is where everything repeats again – there’s no need to approach it as though it’s a whole different beast.

Some people like to learn by memorizing the chromatic scale along one string – check out this guitar fretboard diagram below.

  • If you learn the first 12th frets inside out, it’s just a matter of making a visual adjustment when moving everything up the neck.
  • Even the fret markers are mirrored to make navigation easy – 3rd fret marker is the same note as the 15th fret marker, 5th fret = 17th, 7th = 19th, etc.

#3 – Focus on one musical note at a time

In my opinion, this is one of the best approaches – if you’ve been struggling for a while, try this method.Instead of going up the fretboard trying to memorize all the different notes in sequence, focus on a single musical note and learn it in every position on the neck.

  • Each note will appear once per string (within 12 frets).
  • Like chords and scales, the pattern is moveable.
  • Don’t try to memorize more than one note per day (take even longer if you need to).

Below is a chart showing where each natural note is on every string.

  • On Day 1 you learn where the F notes are on each string (1st Fret on the E string, 8th fret on the A string, etc.)
  • Spend 5 to 10 minutes just playing the notes and creating the mind/muscle connection.
  • Saying the note name out loud while doing this will help burn it to memory.
  • Repeat this process a few times throughout the day.
E A D G B e
Day 1 – F notes 1 8 3 10 6 1
Day 2 – C notes 8 3 10 5 1 8
Day 3 – G notes 3 10 5 0 8 3
Day 4 – D notes 10 5 0 7 3 10
Day 5 – A notes 5 0 7 2 10 5
Day 6 – E notes 0 7 2 9 5 0
Day 7 – B notes 7 2 9 4 0 7
  • Some may have noticed that we organized each day in the ‘order of flats’.
  • This is just to create some physical distance from the previous day’s note to help avoid crossover.
  • If you didn’t already know the order of flats, this will be an added bonus.

Here’s a fretboard diagram of ‘Day 1 – F’ to help visualize the numbers on the chart – this shows all the F notes within the first 12 frets.

For learning the fretboard, neck diagrams are much better then guitar tablature.

#4 – Get familiar with octaves

Once you’ve practiced learning a single note in every position, you can move on to doubling them up.

Playing the same note in two positions simultaneously will help strengthen your fretboard visualization and also build a valuable improvisational tool – doubling up a melody with octaves is a common trick in jazz guitar.

Unless you’re planning on doing some monster finger stretches, your nearest octave will be always found by skipping over a string.

#5 – Practice with a metronome

Often overlooked, but I cannot recommend this one enough – just do it!

A metronome doesn’t seem like the most obvious choice when learning something theoretical, but you need a certain amount of pressure to improve recall speed.

  • Working to a tempo will force you to think quickly.
  • You'll also quickly discover which areas of the neck you find more difficult to memorize.
  • The time constraint will keep you focused and allow you to highlight the notes you need to pay more attention to.

Check out our free online metronome if you don’t have one to hand.

How to visualize the guitar fretboard

This is more about just memorizing simple patterns which for visual learners (like me,) is a massive cheatcode to unlock music theory.

The CAGED system is a great way of visualizing shapes and patterns across the fretboard – it’s like the perfect map.

For example, did you know that your basic open chord shapes form an end-to-end pattern along the neck? 

Pretty cool, huh? But wait… there’s more!

Now you can see how those pentatonic patterns interlock with the open chord shapes.

Guitar notes fretboard chart

I know that all those notes can seem daunting, but don’t worry, I promise it’ll all take shape soon.

Here’s a free gift for getting this far – some beautiful chord diagrams and a guitar scales fretboard chart to expand on the CAGED idea from the last section.

Some of the pages from this guitar fretboard PDF would look great on your wall 😉

[Add lead magnet link here]

How to memorize the guitar fretboard: 5 ways

Memorizing the fretboard seems like a huge mountain to climb, but there are a few ways to make the process a little easier.

I highly recommend you figure out that fingerboard as quickly as possible – it will make the rest of your guitar learning journey much easier.


Having a guitar fretboard labeled with notes, chords, and scales can be a big help in your early learning stages.

Visual aids like these provide quick references and help reinforce patterns across the neck.

Memorization Games

Turn learning into a game by quizzing yourself on fretboard notes or using apps that challenge your knowledge. 

These can speed up memorization through repetition in a way that won’t make you fall asleep.


The inlays on your guitar neck serve as visual markers. Use them to map out key notes and intervals, helping you navigate the fretboard more easily.

As long as you stay in standard tuning, you can begin by learning the notes on each string along the dot markers on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th frets.


A dedicated workbook that guides you through fretboard exercises can strengthen your understanding. 

By filling out note charts and completing drills, you can actively engage with the learning process. 

The act of putting pen to paper is scientifically proven to be one of the best ways to memorize new information. 


If you’re not too precious about how your guitar looks, you can put some guitar fretboard stickers or decals on specific frets to mark important notes. 

You’ll see this often on beginner classical guitars when kids first learn to play.

This simple method gives you a visual cue while you practice, making it easier to remember note positions over time – but don’t rely on them for too long – eventually the training wheels need to come off.


Are the notes the same on every guitar?

In standard tuning, yes. Whether it’s an acoustic guitar fretboard or an electric, the notes on each neck will be the same.

Of course, there are exceptions when it comes to alternate tunings, extended-range guitars, and other stringed instruments like banjo, ukulele etc.

Most of the time bass guitar is the same though – but don’t get me started on the fretless – which is basically a blank guitar fretboard😨

Do I need to memorize all the notes on the guitar fretboard?

Not necessarily – while it is ideal to know all the notes, it’s not essential. 

Focus on key reference points (such as the open strings, 5th and 7th frets) then over time you’ll naturally fill in the blanks. 

How long does it take to memorize the fretboard?

It depends on how much time you dedicate to practice. If you spend just a few minutes each day using a structured approach, like focusing on one note per day, you could memorize the fretboard within a couple of weeks.

Why is it important to learn the note names on the guitar?

The main reason is communication. Playing with other musicians, explaining ideas, or figuring out chord names. 

While you can do those things without this skill, it will make your life a lot easier if you can learn the note names, rather than just the fret numbers.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, the fretboard doesn’t seem like such an ogre anymore! 👹

You’ve now got everything you need to build a rock-solid knowledge of all the notes on the guitar neck.

I know it’s overwhelming, but just remember to start with the basics and build around that.

  • Be smart! Don't try to brute force it and learn every single note individually.
  • First, learn the open strings, then the 5th frets, then the 7th frets – easy!
  • Once you’ve got those reference points, it becomes way easier to figure out the other nearby notes.

After that, just commit seven days to learning the natural notes on each string and the rest will fall into place before you know it.

Author: Richard Spooner

Richard Spooner is a writer and musician originally from the UK. After studying contemporary guitar at the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance (ICMP) in London, he toured the UK with various groups, playing styles ranging from acoustic to metal.

Richard's diverse experience gigging, studying music, working in guitar stores, and managing rehearsal studios has given him valuable insight into guitar and what it means to be a working musician. Since 2019, he has been traveling and working as an editor for Pickup Music, while also contributing to Total Guitar, Killer Guitar Rigs, and Guitar Pro. After a decade of performing, he now enjoys creating songs, writing about guitar, and taking long walks on the beach.